Why Join a Club?

By joining a club, you are helping to create a stronger collective voice that will speak on behalf of all ATV/SxS users.

To meet people with similar interests and connect with other clubs throughout BC to find and enjoy new riding areas around BC.

Reduced Insurance premiums.

Strength in numbers, by pooling our resources and working together we achieve more. As a united voice for motorized off-road recreation we strive to keep membership fees low while continuing to achieve the goals and objectives of ATVBC, members, and Clubs.

In short there are benefits for each of us individually but the benefits to us all as a group in securing our riding opportunities while promoting safety and environmental stewardship are greater and will do more towards allowing our children and grandchildren to enjoy motorized sports.

Become an active member of the larger Trails Community where like minds work together for the benefit of all trail enthusiasts.